CBD for High Blood Pressure? A Definitive Guide
A very important human study investigated the impact of CBD on high blood pressure while testing is still carried out on animals under most circumstances.

CBD is a naturally occurring plant-derived enzyme with highly beneficial health effects, one of which contributes to a significant decrease in blood pressure. Cannabis and hemp's complicated legal situation continues to obstruct global CBD science, and human studies remain very uncommon.
Wich Are The Proven Benefits Of CBD Oil: The Evidence
This pioneering, double-blind 2017 placebo-controlled study first investigated whether CBD lowers human blood pressure, and was inspired by pre-clinical trials indicating that CBD has a range of cardiovascular benefits.

The study included nine healthy male volunteers who received either a 600 mg CBD or a placebo dose.

The findings showed that those who took the 600 mg dose of CBD had the following:

- Reduced systemic blood pressure remaining (– 6 mmHg; P < 0.05)
- Enhanced cardiac output
- A lower volume of stroke (– 8 ml; P


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